

Paul Lesack (
My wife and I play it. We find the mechanics easy to remember, yet the game has great tactical depth.

People don't talk about it much because:

  1. There aren't a lot of problems with the system (this does not mean no problems, just not a lot).

  2. RP doesn't have nearly the exposure of Warhammer/Chronopia; no one knows about it. Even though the hobby store where I shop has a large (huge/all!) collection of RP minis, the Battlestorm rulebook itself is simply lost in all the other codices, RPGs, etc. RP mini blisters make no mention of Battlestorm, which I think contributes to the general lack of knowledge.

  3. FASA just bought Ral Partha. What will happen to Battlestorm? Because I have rules, I'll keep playing it. However, there's no guarantee that any supplements will actually be released. I hope they are.

Of the gaming companies I have seen, RP is one of the best. Customer support is excellent, and innovation/improvement is actively solicited by the company. Playtest information for upcoming expansions/supplements is not jealously guarded, but made available.

Tim Peaslee (
I picked up a copy of the rules in early January and am very impressed with them. While I was at first a little skeptical about them, I have found the BattleStorm rules to be an excellent set of miniatures rules. They are easy to learn and allow for a lot of flexibility. The rules allow a player great detail for individual combat or a role-playing group. Larger battles can be streamlined for faster play or keep a lot of detail. BattleStorm seems to be designed so that a group of gamers can use it fit their style of gaming, not force the group to change their style of gaming to fit the new rules.

The basic system allows the player with initiative to declare the action of one of his units. The enemy unit affected by this action can react. This can cause sudden series units forced into action by another group. Combat is a simple matter of using the attacker's skill (combat error rating) plus the defender's ability to dodge (evasion) as the to hit roll. If a hit is scored the weapon damage roll must be high enough to penetrate the roll for the armors absorbtion. A large battle can be played in only a couple of hours.

I have been a miniatures gamer since 1979, and this is the first really good set of fantasy rules that can deal with large battles.

D. Anthony Robinson (
Battlestorm is the best fantasy mini system that I've seen. The tactical flexibility that is present in the game is astounding. Unlike most other games in this genre, you can change formations in multitudes of ways, as well as split units and/or join up units.

Will also does a fantastic job of supporting the game on the internet. You can get all sorts of addenda and new troops at his website.

brandu (expired email address)
Hhhmmm... It's amazing that both of the wonderful comments below about how great BattleStorm is are from people who are actively enaged in working on the system.

Points of Fact

  • BattleStorm is no longer produced by Ral Partha.
  • You have to have d30's to play the game.
  • Cavalry is too strong.
  • The Rule Book attempts to do too much (It can't seem to make up its mind)
  • The Magic Rules are available for free on the net, but they are extermely weird.
Personally, there are better Fantasy games out there.
Jim Evans, the Undead Lord Utu Ekong (
Hey guys, this is the best fantasy mini game on the market. I myself play the Undead, and they rock. There is no better feeling than whackn' someone on the Battlestorm table. [I don't mean that in a sick fashion, thank you very much.]

Will has done the best job in the world making this game. If you have not tried it, do yourself a favor and do it. I swear on the chin bone of Utu Ekong you will not be dissapointed.

It is just plain and simple, man. The rules are far better than Warhammer Fantasy. They are more realistic. Oh yeah, COST COST COST. It is far far more cheaper to play Battlestorm than it is Games Hock Shop games. Not only is it cheaper, it's better. There is a lot of different things about the game that I like over the others. One is that in Battlestorm, one side doesn't go, and then the other. I like that. It is more fair to the player who didn't win the first roll of initiative. The list goes on and on and on and...........................................

I end this little ditty with a word or two of wit. You don't need absorbtion to win a game of Battlestorm. If you don't believe me, come on by and I'll show you. Or you can just ask Will, he'll tell ya, he has see it done in more than one game.

Take care and keep gamn'.

Erik Rutins (
This is a fun and versatile fantasy miniatures wargame that lets you put virtually any miniature you own on the tabletop.  The ideal scale is 28mm or 25mm, and Ral Partha's new line of 28mm miniatures in support of Battlestorm are IMHO the best 28mm fantasy line on the market. (In particular, check out the 02 line Elfs and Barbarians for my two favorite armies.)

The rules themselves do a great job of simulating the simultaneous action of a battlefield.  Unlike Warhammer, a battle never seems to pause or let up, and doesn't feel artificially divided into phases where only one type of action can take place. Battlestorm also uses the full spectrum of dice to give the type of differentiation between armor, skills and weapons that the old d6 just can't offer.

My recommendation is that anyone interested in 28mm fantasy give these rules a try ASAP.  If you need any tips or an opponent in the Vermont area, e-mail me.

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4 September 1999page split off
22 April 1999comments by Paul Lesack
19 April 1999comments by Tim Peaslee
5 April 1999comments by D. Anthony Robinson
3 April 1999comments by brandu
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