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New Undead Skeleton Warriors

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fujiking writes:

I bought some at the WMMS show and I was very pleased with both the figures and the price.

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2,204 hits since 31 Mar 2010

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Tom Hirst of Terrain Warehouse writes:

Ever wondered why Necromancers only ever seem to raise human skeletons?

Mixed Species Skeleton Warriors

Battlezone Miniatures are very pleased to announce the first release in their Undead range - mixed-species Skeleton Warriors.

Ideal for any 28mm fantasy wargame, these figures add character to any Undead army. There are seven different species and a command group, along with twelve different shields.

Available from Terrain Warehouse U.K., with sets starting from only £1.00 GBP a figure.

Coming Soon - Mixed Skeleton Cavalry

Coming next - mixed-species Skeleton Cavalry!

For more information