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"Texas secedes with Russian support." Topic

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cosmicbank06 Jul 2015 6:03 p.m. PST

OK here is the deal, In the near future Texas leaves the USA and goes off on its own. Border war starts with USA and Russian forces intervene. Help me work this out for a series of games. Don't worry if it is legal, possible, or realistic.

zippyfusenet06 Jul 2015 6:28 p.m. PST

Yee-haw! A mighty fleet of Russian transport submarines surfaces in the Gulf of Mexico and discharges hordes of cossack cavalry onto Texas beaches. Houston dissolves into an orgy of pillage and rapine. It's Saturday night!

cosmicbank06 Jul 2015 6:36 p.m. PST

Yep that's what I'm thinking. Only a lot of Texans have guns, so it may not go so easy on the cavalry.

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP06 Jul 2015 6:38 p.m. PST

Well you can always try to find a copy of "The Texas Israeli War 1999"….it's a fun read…

cosmicbank06 Jul 2015 6:39 p.m. PST

I've got it on the shelf. Also a book about refloating the USS Texas.

cosmicbank06 Jul 2015 6:41 p.m. PST

That's the spirit of the game I am looking for.

skippy000106 Jul 2015 7:15 p.m. PST

Easier to fly in Desant brigades from South America. Subs could only bring in Spetznatz and Naval Infantry units.

Great War Ace06 Jul 2015 7:19 p.m. PST

Does Texas have anything that Russia wants? Does Russia have anything that Texas wants? Determine what those are. Then you can have the alliance. Lacking a mutually beneficial politico-commercial relationship, there could be no alliance….

Weasel06 Jul 2015 7:25 p.m. PST

So is this like reverse Red Dawn? :-)

Let's go ahead and say the US military has gotten run down a bit more, so it's more interesting.

T72 outside Walmart, confederate flags and some Spetznaz advisors, versus National guard units, M60 tanks and loyalist militia.

Would make for a cracking convention game.

Rod I Robertson06 Jul 2015 7:48 p.m. PST

Texas successfully seizes land based nuclear missile silos in Texas and some in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma missiles are removed back to Texas. Also an Ohio class boomer is seized in a Texan port. Texas threatens to use nuclear weapons if invaded by the USA. Washington hesitates from the nuclear threat and recalls American personnel from abroad. Many Texan soldiers and officers in the American armed forces are put in a very difficult position. A few defect to Texas, a surprisingly large number grimly choose to honour their oaths to the USA and a large minority opt for internment until a military swap between the USA and Texas is arranged by Britain and Jamaica. Meanwhile techies in Washington are trying to figure out how to remotely disable land and sea based nuclear missiles under Texan control. Little do they know that the nuclear weapons have been removed from some of the missiles to be used as mega-IED's should American forces invade north Texas.
The military forces are kept very busy tamping down pro-Texan uprisings in the southeast and western USA. Texan inspired and advised uprising in major American cities keep the US military busy and unable to prepare a direct attack on Texas for several months.
Texas promises to give Texan citizenship to any "undocumented alien" willing to fight on its behalf. Vast foreign legion-militias are organized and sent to defend the Texan frontier and oil refining capacity. While this happens Texas trains and equips a larger standing national army built with Russian money and military equipment bought from Cuba for oil. T-62's and BTR's fighting shoulder to shoulder with Abrams and Bradley's. Texas lobbies other Southwestern states to join its secession and form an American Commonwealth. This stalls and little progress is made.
Mexico has a severe attack of international schizophrenia as Mexican oil exports to the USA are interdicted by Texan special ops forces on America's territory. However a deal struck with very powerful and politically connected cartels to smuggle arms to Texas and drugs to the USA puts the Mexican Government in a bad spot. After a period of indecision, the Mexicans begin launching putative raids into Texas. ERC-90's and Panhards roll into Texas but are quickly stopped due to intelligence provided by well connected cartels.
A Cuban Revolutionary Expeditionary Force is dispatched by Havana to fight with the Texans under protest due to Russian pressure. This enrages and alarms the US Cuban-exile communities which form militias and begin to attack Texas from the southeast and east.
Finally the USA feels confident enough to attack. They think they have neutralized the nuclear threat and military operations begin….
The rest is yours!
Cheers and good gaming.
Rod Robertson.

hocklermp506 Jul 2015 8:11 p.m. PST

When I lived in Houston the DJs used to remind drivers during the commute to remember before you flipped someone off that 75% had a gun in the car. Rooskies Beware!

They passed the Right to Carry Law that was going to lead to mass slaughter in the streets and the interesting thing was in the first year after the law went into effect there were 77 Justifiable Homicides in Houston. (You can look it up). Mind you this was citizens killing bad guys.

Vlad the Impaler and company would not be happy campers. Would make for a fun game of all against all but the first sign you see coming into Texas says it all, "Don't Mess with Texas".

Personal logo Condotta Supporting Member of TMP06 Jul 2015 8:27 p.m. PST

Zimmerman has a telegram for you – collect, of course.

Rod, nice!

I can see the Russians helping Texas for the same reason Germany wanted Mexico to invade. It would nullify the Americans being able to intervene in the Balkans, Poland and elsewhere as they attend to the crisis at home.

Texas will time their move when California falls off into the Pacific.

boy wundyr x06 Jul 2015 9:07 p.m. PST

Twilight 2000 had a setting guide for this (Cubans too), still available AFAIK from RPGNOW as a pdf by GDW.

skippy000106 Jul 2015 9:10 p.m. PST

Don't forget militias with their Texan 'technicals'.

A Very American Civil War-everybody into the pool!

Mormon Merc Missionaries, Beer Ball Express convoys, cattle stampedes, One Texas Ranger(it's only one war…), Kalifornia Thuggee Cultists, Biker Battalions, Russian Mob Maskirovka, Wall Street Economic Exploitation Groups, Motorised Media Mayhem Mobs, Indigenous War Parties, Road Warrior Religious Orders, Trailer Parkograds, Arizona Volunteer Group, FEMA Fast Attack Fusiliers, Opinionated Celebrity Barrage Battalions, Occupy Texas Suicide Mobs, Young Texan Drone Hunters(age 14-17), Da Guys From Jersey.

Who'd I miss?

Weasel06 Jul 2015 11:01 p.m. PST

How can you tell that Texas has a lot of guns?

Don't worry, they'll tell you every chance they get :-)

Though they're actually only 18th on the list of guns per capita.


Wyoming is PACKED.

Mako1106 Jul 2015 11:46 p.m. PST

Well, of course they'd come for the brisket, and chili.

Spoiling attacks in FL (from Cuba), and in CA, AZ, and NM, to tie down US forces, by the combined Russian/Cuban/Mexican alliance.

They'd work a deal with the Mexican government and the drug cartels, and their sleeper cells, promising them a return to their former glory, and ceding the SW back to Mexico, once they win the war (claiming they only want to defeat America, militarily and economically). Of course its a lie, but the Mexican leadership wants to believe it so much, that they play along, since they also worry about what might happen if they don't – can't fight mother Russia.

Texans who were hoping only for a fight with the USA (and looking forward to the support from Russia), while counting on the American military to show some restraint, find themselves in the middle of a very complex war (like in Syria), with multiple factions each pursuing their own goals. Many times they may not be parallel to their own.

Venezuela provides bases for Russian strategic bombers, subs, and naval vessels.

Visceral Impact Studios07 Jul 2015 5:22 a.m. PST

Don't forget militias with their Texan 'technicals'.

I've got one of those! :-) And since we're talking Texas, it's a lot bigger than one of those little wheenie Toyota technicals used in the middle east!


Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP07 Jul 2015 5:43 a.m. PST

Texas would never side with the neo-soviets. California on the other hand…

Let's not forget UN peace keeping forces on the Mexican border.

bsrlee07 Jul 2015 6:44 a.m. PST

Remember that California, Washington and Oregon all had Russian settlements, as did Hawaii.

Then there is the whole problem of Alaska – what happens when the Russian courts decide that the then Government did not have the legal right to sell Alaska, like the current investigation of whether they should have let the Baltic Republics go after invading them fair and square in 1940?

cosmicbank07 Jul 2015 9:17 a.m. PST

Thanks everyone. Got lots of ideas the buying old Soviet stuff lets me use the old T55 and T 62 I have. Thinking about trying to run it as a con game.

Weasel07 Jul 2015 10:28 a.m. PST

Was I the only one who read the OP as "Russia intervenes to aid Texas" ?

Great War Ace07 Jul 2015 10:41 a.m. PST

Nope. That was the gist for me too.

Btw, "registered guns" is not the same thing as total weapons per capita. Registering firearms is unconstitutional because it creates a gun owners registry. There are a LOT more than 12.9 guns per thousand people in Utah. Trust that….

Tgunner07 Jul 2015 11:08 a.m. PST

Does Texas have anything that Russia wants?

You bet. It's a golden opportunity for Russia to weaken the US and give the government a huge black eye. It would be very useful to divert American attention away from Europe and Asia to give them a free hand. Plus such a war could cost the US a lot of lives and treasure… further weakening the US.

They've already made contact with more extreme right wing groups. Birds of a feather and all.


I think this quote says it all:

For Russians, this was delicious payback. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union two decades ago, many Russians have come to blame the United States for their plight; a seething resentment over U.S. culpability in the loss of Russian national power is one of the reasons Vladimir Putin is so popular. It has only worsened since the United States has led an international effort to isolate and sanction Moscow over its annexation of Crimea and incursions into eastern Ukraine. Thus, over the past 15 months there has been a sudden, bizarro uptick of Russian interest in and around the American Southwest, most notably Texas, where secessionist sentiment never seems to entirely die out (TNM's predecessor group, the "Republic of Texas," disbanded after secessionist militants took hostages in 1997). In a rehash of the Soviet Union's fate, numerous Russian voices have taken to envisioning an American break-up, E Pluribus Unum in inverse—out of one, many.

Nor is Texas the lone region for which Russia has cast secessionist support since the Crimean seizure. Venice, Scotland, Catalonia—the Russian media have voiced fervent support for secession in all these Western allies. (Of course, Moscow's mantra—secession for thee, but not for me—means you'd be hard-pressed to find any Russian official offering support for Siberian, Tatar, or Chechen independence.) "Since the destabilization of the West is on Russia's agenda, they may try to reach out to the U.S. separatists," Anton Shekhovtsov, a researcher on Moscow's links to far-right movements in Europe, told me. Russia wants a "deepening of social divisions in the American society, destabilizing the internal political life." And certain Texans, rather than running from the taint of an authoritarian backing, have reciprocated.


Does Russia have anything that Texas wants?

You bet!

Lots of guns, military grade ones. Heavy weapons. AFVs. Money. And nukes! Lots of those, or at least the threat of them. Plus Russia has lots of special forces types who could train and organize Texan militia in effective fighting forces. Then toss in the fact that Russia is a member of the UN Security Council too.

Russia would stand to gain a lot in this "war". So why not?

Russia could be a great ally to Texan separatists.

Mako1107 Jul 2015 11:15 a.m. PST

They'd finally get a warm water naval port, or two as well.

Jemima Fawr07 Jul 2015 12:11 p.m. PST

"Mind you this was citizens killing bad guys."

As well as the occasional lost and inebriated tourist trying to find their friend's house after a night out…

mad monkey 107 Jul 2015 1:30 p.m. PST

Shouldn't drink so much.

Weasel07 Jul 2015 5:19 p.m. PST

Great War Ace – Sure, but it's the only reliable statistic I could find at a glance.

hocklermp507 Jul 2015 7:43 p.m. PST

Jemima…..Feel better? "Justifiable" means just that. All 77 were reviewed by authorities both at the police and prosecutorial levels. If your drunk, lost tourist was shot dead and no charges filed then the authorities determined that by his own actions he brought it on himself because the homeowner felt his life or his family threatened.

On a personal note, my wife and I were watching TV late one night when someone starts pounding on the storm door. It is late and I figure it is some drunk fool has the wrong house because all the houses look the same. Problem is he jerks on the storm door enough it came unlocked. Now he's pounding on the front door demanding "Open up!" I bellow "Go away!" and now he starts violently turning the door knob back and forth and using it to jerk the door in and out. I tell my wife to call 911 while I get my pistol from the bedroom. I step to the door and scream at the man that the law is on the way and he better go away. Now he is kicking the door so I scream I have a gun and will shoot if he does not stop. He stops because the local law is showing up in numbers with lights flashing.

He had the wrong house. He was from out of town and was dead tired and thought his "old buddy" he was coming to visit was "messing with him" and "it wasn't funny". And, yes, he was drunk. He also thought all the cops showing up was his old buddy messing with him so he resisted arrest. This took place in Kansas. Texas Law and I could shoot the man dead through the door. Kansas Law I could not legally shoot him until he kicked the door open, was advancing on me, and was inside the house. Otherwise you are looking at anything from Manslaughter to Murder Two. You can look it up. Personally I would not shoot through a closed door. I backed away from the door after telling him I had a gun so I would have some space but it was only 10 or 12 feet. A man can cover that distance in the blink of an eye. I would have killed him and it would have been a terrible senseless tragedy but JUSTIFIED.

Rod I Robertson07 Jul 2015 8:57 p.m. PST

Aren't we drifting a bit off topic?
Let's get back to Texas and Russians.
Rod Robertson.
PS. hocklermp5: I am glad you and your family got through this terrifying event safely.

Great War Ace08 Jul 2015 9:01 a.m. PST

Russians are ALWAYS drunk. So, "auxiliaries" from Mother Russ would be pounding on all sorts of doors at all hours of the night, demanding to be let in, with "etc. and etc. and etc." occurring. Little mini scenarios to play out between the military engagements, to add interest to our PCs during lulls and otherwise "downtime"….

Feet up now08 Jul 2015 9:56 a.m. PST

With the growing Brazilian Empire you could look for a military ally closer to home for Texas perhaps?.
Russian equipment purchased by Brazil would work well , but logistics could be more solid for the area.

Weasel08 Jul 2015 10:14 a.m. PST

Let's lay off the gun policy talk.

EJNashIII08 Jul 2015 3:18 p.m. PST

Should be interestingly confusing fight with the Russian volunteers flying their preferred flag:


Jemima Fawr08 Jul 2015 3:39 p.m. PST

Not many branches in that family tree…

jpattern208 Jul 2015 4:13 p.m. PST

Well, that one girl in the middle is cute.

Oops, never mind, she's on a poster.

Jemima Fawr08 Jul 2015 5:56 p.m. PST

I wonder what Russian for 'squeal piggy' is…?

Rod I Robertson08 Jul 2015 9:05 p.m. PST

According to Google Translate:
"Визг поросенок!"
Rod Robertson.

Visceral Impact Studios08 Jul 2015 9:13 p.m. PST

 I would have killed him and it would have been a terrible senseless tragedy but JUSTIFIED.

I know of a fellow who would completely disagree with you on that topic. OTOH, not everyone accepts his way of thinking as it's usually terribly inconvenient!

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP09 Jul 2015 1:00 p.m. PST

Sam Houston wouldn't stand for this kind of Bleeped text !!!!!

David in Coffs09 Jul 2015 2:44 p.m. PST

Lots of opportunity for a variety of figure and models.
You might be able to sneak into some of the militias some post apoc figures
With the militias they may have conflict as well
The Daughters of the Loan Star
May regard as splitters (see Life of Brian) and enemies
The Many Daughters of the Loan Star

jpattern211 Jul 2015 8:33 p.m. PST

Hahahahaha! thumbs up

cwlinsj11 Jul 2015 9:37 p.m. PST

Texas inviting Russian troops on their soil? Nevuh!

How about this scenario instead?

In the near future, the USA declares for socialism, suspends the constitution and invites UN forces led by Russia & China in to "secure peaceful disarmament" of the USA.

Texas immediately secedes (along with parts of OK and several Mountain states) elements of several military bases and National Guard units fly & drive their equipt. to TX… and the fight is on!

David in Coffs12 Jul 2015 1:57 a.m. PST

Jade Helm 15 ;-p

David in Coffs12 Jul 2015 3:02 a.m. PST

Cwlinsj – where's the fun in having a game that isn't obviously implausible.

Rather than one that it seems a number of Texans believe is likely according to the poll quoted in….

cwlinsj12 Jul 2015 4:02 a.m. PST

It aint just Texas. You'll find them in all 50 states.

I've been hearing about black helicopters and secret UN bases full of blue helmeted troops since the 1980's. I've had conversations with a conspiracy theorist/nut about secret messages hidden in every highway sign to aid UN troops get to their attack points (why cant they just follow information on the signs?).

For me, Texans inviting Russian troops on their soil is just too unbelievable. Much easier wargaming Texas NG, reserves, regulars and militia fighting UN troops and lackey American forces.

doc mcb12 Jul 2015 5:40 a.m. PST

Have we noticed that Texas is bringing its gold reserves home from NY?


Longer article here:


Guns AND gold, baby!

doc mcb12 Jul 2015 5:52 a.m. PST

So here's your scenario:

Putin and the crooks running Russia have a billion $$ in gold. They decide a safe place for it is the Texas repository. Meanwhile, things get tense between Washington and Texas and the Feds try to confiscate the gold. So Putin sends Russian troops to assist the Texans in defending what is his.

cwlinsj12 Jul 2015 6:11 a.m. PST

Putin is estimated to be worth $200 USD billion after looting Russia for the past 15 years.

I suggest you add some more zeros to that gold amount before it is worthwhile for Russia to get involved.

David in Coffs12 Jul 2015 6:16 a.m. PST

The 2T-FRU-T virus breaks out in Texas
The virus hightens any paranoia in those infected
The rest of the US closes the borders to stop the disease spreading North
US military, National Guard and fearful armed citizens clash with Texans trying to force their way North
Mexico invades (it seems that tecilla prevents infection) with the battle cry of remember the Alamo.
The Russian dictator for life – also infected – sends Russian forces to assist his "Friends" – curious side effect of the disease is that it causes friendship with others so infected

There you go – all perfectly reasonable.

doc mcb12 Jul 2015 6:30 a.m. PST

Okay, make it $100 USD billion in bullion!

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