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"Best "not Star Wars" ships? (Fleet scale and larger)" Topic

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swammeyjoe Supporting Member of TMP21 Jun 2015 6:10 p.m. PST

First off, can SW armada be played with non FFG ships/bases? I've got Army Builder which lets me print cards so assuming I have ships (on either hex or square bases) and cards for both sides, could I play the game?

If so, what are the best "Not Star Wars" ships?

I've found the Studio Bergstrom Imperials link , which seem to be good, but as far as I can tell they're about half the size of regular Armada models. Would either the "Ascendency Super Destroyer" or "Inquisitor Heavy Star Cruiser" scale decently with other Armada models, or should I not think about mixing and just buy whole-hog from one manufacturer? And how are their fighters, there seem to be quite a few different scales for sale on that site and I'm a bit confused which ones would go best with those ships I linked to.

And then, onto something totally different. I'd also like to play small Fighter-vs-Fighter battles between the New Republic and Yuuzhan Vong. I've already found 'Skips on Shapeways in 1/270 scale, which I've discovered is the same as the X-Wing scale. Would anything from Studio Bergstrom work for X-Wings, Y-Wings, etc, or are they all too small? What are my other options beyond FFG (I want between 6-12 fighters, and I'd rather not pay $15 USD each).

Thanks for any and all advice!

Wackmole921 Jun 2015 6:44 p.m. PST

Battlestar Galactica from the titanium collection

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP21 Jun 2015 6:53 p.m. PST

Armada uses a sliding scale to accomodate the huge range of ships represented.

Mel's Miniatures on Shapeways makes Armada compatible models:

ForeverGame21 Jun 2015 7:38 p.m. PST

Bandai has a great series of 2199 space ships.

One series is all to a scale of 1:1000, but that includes kits of over a foot long.

The other is their MechaColle series of easy kits. These are all around 10cm/4inches. Not to scale, but for most ships that's not a big thing (unless you're a 2199 fan).
They snap together easily, some of them come in mutiple colors and all of them are very detailed: a wash is enough to make them look great. Best thing for wargamers: they're cheap.
Note: there was a similar series 20 or so years ago that's still available online, but those aren't as detailed.


boy wundyr x22 Jun 2015 7:27 a.m. PST

SB's fighters are too small for X-Wing (1/270), Drew's ships are maybe 1/300 or 1/350. I use SB as my go-to for fighter-scale and fleet-scale; the Silent Death stuff works with SB for fighters.

For fleet-scale Star Wars, I use a somewhat sliding scale too, supplementing the SB stuff with Odyssey Shipyards, some die-casts, and the collectible fleet game from a few years ago, for a Super Star Destroyer.

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP22 Jun 2015 8:05 a.m. PST

Haven't played Armada yet, but it looks like the bases effects, dials-on-dials, would be fiddly to reproduce, though I've wondered aloud how long we should wait before Litko or CorSec will step in.

Creating and playtesting your own stats sounds fiddly as well, but rewarding if you're of that sort of mind.

Now, if you ever work up stats for the resin ships from Quantum Expanse, many of which look like they might fit, LET US KNOW!




Moonbeast22 Jun 2015 9:36 a.m. PST

"Haven't played Armada yet, but it looks like the bases effects, dials-on-dials, would be fiddly to reproduce, though I've wondered aloud how long we should wait before Litko or CorSec will step in."

I personally, would like either Litko or Corsec to make adapters so I can attach my Armada ships to standard pegs so they can be used with either hex or round bases. That way the ships can easily be used for the many excellent other star ship rule sets out there as well.

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP23 Jun 2015 5:53 a.m. PST

Preaching to the choir there, bruddah… ;->=


Sargonarhes23 Jun 2015 6:28 p.m. PST

Actually just wondering, is the Star Blazers fleet battle system still open?

Watching Yamato 2199 made me recheck it with a renewed interest in it. I was checking the website.


Captain Gideon23 Jun 2015 9:09 p.m. PST

Sargonarhes as far as I know the Star Blazers Fleet Battle System is still open from what I know Keith is doing new ships for other Fleets.

Yamato 2199 is great I really like it yes it's different from the 1970's show but it's really good.

Just curious have you seen the New Comet Empire Movie yet?


Sargonarhes24 Jun 2015 2:36 p.m. PST

Not yet, seen the live Yamato movie a few years back.
Want to go back now and see the whole original series again, it's been years since I've seen them and never completely.

BlackWidowPilot Fezian24 Jun 2015 3:20 p.m. PST

Bandai has a great series of 2199 space ships.

One series is all to a scale of 1:1000, but that includes kits of over a foot long.

The other is their MechaColle series of easy kits. These are all around 10cm/4inches. Not to scale, but for most ships that's not a big thing (unless you're a 2199 fan).
They snap together easily, some of them come in mutiple colors and all of them are very detailed: a wash is enough to make them look great. Best thing for wargamers: they're cheap.
Note: there was a similar series 20 or so years ago that's still available online, but those aren't as detailed.

HobbyLink Japan is your FRIEND:


Seriously, the Yamato 2199 kits are DA BOMB:












Here's an old tool kit of the EDF cruiser and the new tool Yamato 2199 Mecha Colle Garmillas heavy cruiser plus some extras for comparison:


That EDF cruiser model right now is about $3.87 USD at the present exchange rate through HobbyLink Japan. The new tool Mecha Colle kits are $2.58 USD apiece, while the old tool mini kits are $1.45 USD apiece.

Seriously, these are a great bargain to say the very least! Further, you want a really big, menacing space battleship for your fleet at a dirt cheap cost? The original EDF Battleship Andromeda kit is just the ticket, and at the current exchange rate prices at $10.31 USD plus shipping:


The older tooling kits are OK, but the current Yamato 2199 kit tooling is Da Bomb, with the Mecha Colle kits being virtually snaptogether in formatting.

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

Lion in the Stars24 Jun 2015 7:57 p.m. PST

All hail the exchange rate!

(oops, looks like my wallet now reacts to hlj the same way it does to Khurasan's website: by diving under the bed and shaking evil grin )

thedrake24 Jun 2015 11:07 p.m. PST

Dammit,Leland,you are killing me!
Just when I quit thinking about the Astro DN too…..

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2015 10:18 a.m. PST

Yes, the bomb, but I still have qualms about mixing with Star Wars ships. Well, a lot of them…

Okay, they're unpainted resin, and pretty darn expensive, but I bought a metric b-load of Quantum Expanse, and I think many would work well with Star Wars designs, and some are big enough to fly, up front, in Armada.


Thanks to Star Ranger for putting the image up; long live SCN!


BlackWidowPilot Fezian25 Jun 2015 11:15 a.m. PST


to each his own, but to that I say kitbashing is your FRIEND, so why not use a few of 'em as jumping off points, add a few greeblies and such, and create some new ships in the spirit and tradition of the original ILM modelmaking crew?!evil grin

Regarding those Quantum Expanse models there are some nice 'uns in that woodpile; I've pondered a few for repurposing to SD:TNM as escorts or gunboats depending upon the size and configuration…

Indeed, Vive le Star Ranger! Vive le SCN!!evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP26 Jun 2015 5:18 a.m. PST

… I say kitbashing is your FRIEND…

More like my bane and damnation. I get SUCH great ideas, collect pieces, make a few faltering steps, and…

…there are some nice 'uns in that woodpile…

Yeah, like a box of model aircraft weapons, I see so many different uses for different parts. Small to medium ships on the table, you see Warhounds, I see a new Full Thrust faction or three, but the big ones would be great for mid-range fleet units in SW Armada.

Oh, about the model weapons box, really diverse. 'Oh, bombs and bullet-shaped missiles… VSF digs!' 'Wacky finned missiles? Retro space ships!' 'What the heck could I do with these jamming pods? Starship freighters!'

Somebody stop me!


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