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"Isn't it time for a proper British WW2 series/movie" Topic

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19 Apr 2012 4:06 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Isn't it time for a propper British WW2 series/movie" to "Isn't it time for a proper British WW2 series/movie"

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Gunfreak Supporting Member of TMP19 Apr 2012 12:41 p.m. PST

The americans have had saving private ryan, Band of Brothers and lastly Pacific. pluss Flags of our fathers, and sevral less known WW2 movies.

Isn't it time to make a band of brother type series about a British unit, While the Yanks only joined the last 3 years.

Following British soldiers let you see the whole of the war in the west and south, From battle of france, North Afirca, Italy/Sicily, then back to France and into germany.

I remember reading the longest day, were one British soldier had sevral dozen german kills on his records, and he had beeing fighting in all those places.

darthfozzywig19 Apr 2012 12:52 p.m. PST

That would be an awesome series, especially once the Americans showed up to rescue those plucky Brits and save the war.


74EFS Intel19 Apr 2012 1:03 p.m. PST

I agree absolutely. With all the dramatic material available (Dunkirk, Battle of Britain, North Africa, Arnhem, the LRDG, the Dam Busters, etc), I can't believe that something hasn't been done yet.

Of course, I'll be the first to complain if the United States Marine Corps is maligned by not being included in the mini-series about the fighting around Caen.

(also ducks)

skippy000119 Apr 2012 1:08 p.m. PST

As a Yank, I would like to see a series about a Brit soldier that was a WWI vet and the characters' views on going through another war, attitudes of the US and ex-patriates and Commonwealth soldiers.

The LRDG/SAS/SBS/Popski's Private Army would be a great series.

Sink the Bismarck could be redone.

The British D-Day, Caen and the drive up the coast is anothe.

The Italian Campaign.

And for a what-if, Monty and Patton racing for Berlin with a huge allied airdrop on Tempelhof Airport. And Hitler trying to get to the Alpine Redoubt.

but that's just me.

Caesar19 Apr 2012 1:09 p.m. PST

Well you do have this one.

Captain dEwell19 Apr 2012 1:11 p.m. PST

once the Americans showed up to rescue those plucky Brits and save the war

Yes, thank you Christopher. So its definite then that it has to be prior to the US involvement. So that gives us a glorious 2 year start – thanks Uncle Sam evil grin

Europe, North Africa, Middle East, maybe even the Atlantic.

I'd go for North Africa and see some tank warfare.

Good post Gunfreak

clibinarium19 Apr 2012 1:11 p.m. PST

After reading Ambrose's Peagus Bridge I thought that would make a good two or three parter, I doubt British TV could afford a huge BoB production unaided, so ambitions would have to be reigned in.

Credit where credit is due, the Americans did have some good ideas.

The Gray Ghost19 Apr 2012 1:14 p.m. PST

Could most of the parts be played by American actors doing British accents? seems only fair you got all the good parts in BoB

The Gray Ghost19 Apr 2012 1:18 p.m. PST

What I would like to see is a good WW II comedy, they haven't made any sense the 60s

Jemima Fawr19 Apr 2012 1:19 p.m. PST

It's certainly long overdue. '18 Platoon', 'By Tank Into Normandy', 'With The Jocks', 'Quartered Safe Out Here' and Spike Milligan's war diaries would all make superb TV series.

As previously discussed, this amazing ad demonstrates what might have been:

However, I'm often relieved that they don't make them, as if done by any British TV company or film-maker, it would undoubtedly be a sensitive portrayal of homo-erotic tension, racism, bullying and class division. Or in other words, total Bollock s.

Jemima Fawr19 Apr 2012 1:21 p.m. PST


We've had stacks of them over here: 'Dad's Army', 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum' and 'Allo Allo' being the Big Three.

GROSSMAN19 Apr 2012 1:23 p.m. PST

Nice one darth…

GROSSMAN19 Apr 2012 1:27 p.m. PST

I met Lt Winters (Damian Lewis) in a restaraunt here in Asheville NC about 2 months ago. He was here filming his series HOMELAND, which is great by the way. I didn't know he was a Brit.

Chocolate Fezian19 Apr 2012 1:28 p.m. PST

We're always the baddies in Hollywood productions, so the only a series likely to be made staring British actors would be about Leibstandarte

Usrivoy319 Apr 2012 1:55 p.m. PST

Having read a number of books on WW2. I know the movies BOB, Flags, Longest Day, and A Bridge too Far are from specific books. The Pacific being an amalgam of 3 books. And Saving Ryans Privates is loosely written on a book.

I've written down Mr. Davies list for future purchase. Are there any other books in the same vein as above that cover specifically Brit or Commonwealth troops.

And as a side note….. I'd love to see a directors cut of the battle scenes from Flags and Letters combined into chronological sequence.

MahanMan19 Apr 2012 2:26 p.m. PST

Do "Brazen Chariots"; you can have the war in N. Africa just before we annoying Americans showed up to ruin all the fun, but still have that weird mix of "native" Brit/Lend-Lease equpiment, plus you're fighting Rommel in the desert *and* it's written by a South African, involving S. African and Indian troops.

Wargamer Blue19 Apr 2012 2:44 p.m. PST

The Brits have "Battle of Britain", one the best WWII war movies ever.

Savlon19 Apr 2012 2:53 p.m. PST

R Mark Davies

"However, I'm often relieved that they don't make them, as if done by any British TV company or film-maker, it would undoubtedly be a sensitive portrayal of homo-erotic tension, racism, bullying and class division."

In other words, bang on for historical accuracy and a lot more interesting than Hollywood could ever do.

I agree, however with scrapping "sensitive portrayal"; it should be balls to the wall, in your face stuff.

hurrahbro19 Apr 2012 3:02 p.m. PST

Talvisota/The Winter War is also worth watching

And shows what can be done with a comparatively limited budget.

John the OFM19 Apr 2012 3:38 p.m. PST

Isn't it time to make a band of brother type series about a British unit,

Sure. Are you going to finance it?
They only make series or movies that "they" think will make money.

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP19 Apr 2012 3:57 p.m. PST

He's right.

it's a niche interest – so who'll fund it ?

Sudwind19 Apr 2012 4:21 p.m. PST

I would like to see it, but I love WW2 history. It is not like there have been no movies about British soldiers/servicemen…..Zulu, Waterloo, Battle of Britain, Bridge Too Far, Sink the Bismark, Khartoum, the list goes on an on. You do know that Hollywood is in the USA, right?

Jemima Fawr19 Apr 2012 6:57 p.m. PST


You clearly missed the bit where I said that would be total bollock s. Have a read of any of the books I've mentioned or talk to a few veterans if you don't believe me. In fact, add 'Sunset In The East' to the list.

Major Mike19 Apr 2012 7:28 p.m. PST

There was "Danger UXB", a rather good little series.

Sparker19 Apr 2012 7:40 p.m. PST

Yes it was, made by Thames TV as I recall.

Heaven forfend the BBC would make anything that might be deemed to celebrate our recent past in a patriotic light…

Anyway wasn't the war really won by good old Uncle Joe Stalin?

Much better to make yet another program about Ghandi being locked up by the evil Brits.

We should all feel terribly guilty about our past, and thank heavens daily that people like Mr Mugabe and Field Marshal Dr Professor Idi Amin Dada, and the Burmese Junta managed to liberate the oppressed colonial masses.

Militia Pete19 Apr 2012 7:55 p.m. PST

Well, if you include Commonwealth troops, Attack Force Z was really well done. And it has Mel Gibson before Braveheart, Patriot, Passion of the Christ, Lethal Weapon,drunk driving, etc.

One of my favorite movies. Played with my Britains while watching it on HBO years ago.

Whitestreak19 Apr 2012 9:47 p.m. PST

There was a short Brit series – 6 episodes – about the Battle of Britain, titeld "Piece of Cake" from Derek Robinson's novel of the same name.

I have it on DVD and it's enjoyable – true, the Spits are not Mk. I or Mk. II and some of the other things are historically wrong, but it is good.

Especially when you consider that many of the pilots are jerks and/or have their mindsets firmly settled in "peacetime" activities.

AlbertaAndy19 Apr 2012 10:41 p.m. PST

I would love to see this, particularly something that covered one of the more neglected theatres, perhaps Norway, Iraq, Burma or the commonwealth forces in Malaya. Also plenty of scope for material with the various marine and paratroop deployed "commando" raids into occupied Europe. Or how about something following one of the more interesting characters like Ralph Bagnold or Jack Churchill?

Cheers, Andy

DS615120 Apr 2012 2:30 a.m. PST

I've seen a significant number of WW2 movies, and read a large number of books about the war.

And I think a "fantasy WWII movie" would be a great idea!

British in WWII? What an imagination!

Martin Rapier20 Apr 2012 2:43 a.m. PST

To a certain extent we did all our war film making back in the 40s and 50s.

You can't do much better than 'The Cruel Sea', 'The Way Ahead' or 'Hunt the Bismarck'.

Modern films and TV series tend to be more personal (Atonement, The English Patient, Sword of Honour, Enigma etc). I thought Sword of Honour was fabulous.

I'm not sure there would be much of a market for a British Band of Brothers, apart from among wargamers:)

Martin Rapier20 Apr 2012 2:46 a.m. PST

"I didn't know he was a Brit"

LOL, it is the new thing to do for British actors, just look at House and the Wire.

For some reason our people seem to be able to do relatively convincing US accents.

bsrlee20 Apr 2012 3:47 a.m. PST

Dad's Army. Written by someone who was there.

Pat Ripley Fezian20 Apr 2012 4:26 a.m. PST

Could most of the parts be played by American actors doing British accents
or like a lot of shows they could just refilm it using US actors

Sir James20 Apr 2012 7:55 a.m. PST

For some reason our people seem to be able to do relatively convincing US accents.

Just like Kevin Costner's British accent! :P

Gunfreak Supporting Member of TMP20 Apr 2012 7:57 a.m. PST

To quote men in tights.

Becasue I can speak with an English accent.

Feet up now20 Apr 2012 9:43 a.m. PST

North Afica would be really good but we have to have all the allies involved at the end when we squeezed the axis out.

Bellbottom20 Apr 2012 12:09 p.m. PST

Have a look at "Two Men Went to War" a cracking story and stranger than fiction.

Savlon20 Apr 2012 12:45 p.m. PST

I Think Martin Rapier may be right. Apart from us few old farts interested`in military history, there really wouldn't be a huge demand for such films from the general UK population.

However (message to any potential investors here) if you were to slant the film to portray Poles, Czechs or other Eastern Europeans in British service you might tap into a huge market.

So, Sir Peter Jackson, you can contact me here for details of my script for :

Popski's Private Army- the movie (£1m)

Prinses Irene Brigade – From The Netherlands and back again (£2m)

Draža Mihailović – Hero or traitor ? (£5m)

King Cobra23 Apr 2012 2:33 p.m. PST

Did they ever make a movie of "HMS Ulysses"? Great Book, brave Brits.

svsavory27 Apr 2012 3:35 p.m. PST

There was a short Brit series – 6 episodes – about the Battle of Britain, titeld "Piece of Cake" from Derek Robinson's novel of the same name.

I have it on DVD and it's enjoyable – true, the Spits are not Mk. I or Mk. II and some of the other things are historically wrong, but it is good.

Especially when you consider that many of the pilots are jerks and/or have their mindsets firmly settled in "peacetime" activities.

I remember watching that series years ago on PBS. I recall some of the unusual characters among the RAF pilots. They were definitely not all your stereotypical hero types. I'd like to watch that show again.

number403 Jun 2012 7:28 p.m. PST

Piece of cake is on DVD? I sat through the whole series in one night on ancient, grainy much played VHS tapes borrowed from a friend. I'd love to get it DVD

spontoon19 Aug 2012 9:17 p.m. PST

HMS Ulysses is a great book, but it always bums me out for days!

Close to Brits, there's the Australian series ANZACS with Paul Hogan. At least as good as BoB! Also Canada's movie Passchendaele with/by Paul Gross.

jtkimmel24 Aug 2012 10:28 a.m. PST

Netflix has "Piece of Cake" on DVD so it is out there.

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