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"WH40k... Valkyrie alternatives?" Topic

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richarDISNEY20 May 2009 9:04 a.m. PST


I am looking for an alternative to the GW Valkyrie. While I like the look if it, I am looking for something better "suited" for my army. Some flier that has a different look to it.

Any suggestions?

BTW… I am not too concerned about tournament play, so other companies fliers would be great…

CorpCommander20 May 2009 9:16 a.m. PST

What features would make another flier better suited to your army?

LawOfTheGun mk220 May 2009 9:27 a.m. PST

Old Crow Models, the Crow Infatry/Cargo Lander:

G.I. Joe Thunderhawk VTOL from Walmart:

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP20 May 2009 9:33 a.m. PST

What about the Terminator: Salvation Hunter-Killer?

Farstar20 May 2009 10:13 a.m. PST

Does anyone make a 1:48 scale OV-10 Bronco? It's what the Valk is based on in many ways.

cloudcaptain20 May 2009 11:28 a.m. PST

Yeah…there are several makes of 1:48 broncos out there. That's a great idea Farstar.

xxxxxxxxooooo20 May 2009 11:49 a.m. PST

There was a Matchbox "plane" released in the late 90's. It resembled a 2 engine C-130 and is about the same size as a valk. It had a ducted fan under each wing instead of the forward facing conventional prop so it was a VTOL and it was painted up with a red and white Fire/Rescue theme.

I don't have a picture with me at work but OTOH I have looked in vain for more of them ever since and not been able to find them. Perhaps if there was a guru here that could execute his web-fu skills????

In any event, I think they were perfect. I'll post an image later tonight and maybe you can find or modify something close.

Insomniac20 May 2009 11:50 a.m. PST

I think that one of the reasons the Valkyrie is going to sell by the bucket load is the fact that there aren't many decent dropships out there to compete with it.

I'd love to see a Pelican dropship, starship troopers dropship, aliens dropship Doom helicopter dropship…

The Old Crow stuff is great, I have many of their kits (although NOT the dropship) and can't praise them highly enough.

richarDISNEY20 May 2009 12:07 p.m. PST

I dunno… Just something…'different'…

Well, being an IG player, I am gunna need some of these new dropships, and I guess I am looking fer alternatives before I go and buy a few.

mweaver20 May 2009 3:22 p.m. PST

The G.I. Joe Thunderhawk VTOL is HUGE – it can land a tank for you… easily. Pretty neat looking, though.

The Terminator: Salvation Hunter-Killer that Frederick links to is a much better match, scale-wise.

Saw a preview for the new G.I. Joe movie last weekend when I went to see Star Trek. Not much interested in the film, but I couldn't help thinking that some of those vehicles would make some nice vehicles for my SciFi crunchies, if they are released in an appropriate size.

altfritz20 May 2009 3:26 p.m. PST

Blue Moon has some "different" flyers in their sci/fi range.

justBill20 May 2009 3:55 p.m. PST

Check out Ebbles miniatures paper model.
This cant be beat…


Hexxenhammer20 May 2009 5:02 p.m. PST

Here's a free paper model.


It's in spanish I think, but you get the picture.

Lion in the Stars20 May 2009 5:41 p.m. PST

Oh, yeah, Toposolitaro's Chickenhawk dropship is pretty cool, and sized for 28mm figs.

I'd suggest the 1/72 Hind kits you can get, if you want a helo, otherwise, go for the OV-10

Privateer4hire20 May 2009 7:49 p.m. PST


How would the above referenced compare for size?

Farstar21 May 2009 9:27 a.m. PST

1/48 is still only 10" long? Hmm. Might have to go up another notch then, or be prepared to replace the "cargo" compartment with something wider.

Lion in the Stars21 May 2009 11:23 a.m. PST

Actually, the Valk isn't much longer. It's big, blocky, and bulky due to the wings, but it's still 'only' as long as a Land Raider.

Farstar21 May 2009 11:41 a.m. PST

So bulking out the Bronco's rear compartment would probably work.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP21 May 2009 12:46 p.m. PST

In addition to being closer in scale, the Hunter-Killer is also, relatively, very cheap

seamusbradley21 May 2009 3:14 p.m. PST

Have you thought about the Transdformer model of the Star Wars Republican Gunship. It can easily turned into an effective air cavalry vehicle 'carrying' 6x28mm IG or AT-43 troopers. Add a flight base and you've got a ready made froop carrier/attack vehicle. I've got four as part of my AT-43 set up but I see no reason why I couldn't use them for 40k. This is one link – I bought mine in Sainsburys and Tescos link

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