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Workbench is where the Editor does his best to assemble, paint, and prepare some of the products sent to us here at The Miniatures Page.

He may be more of a perfectionist than you are - or he may be less of one! He's not trying to prescribe the One Right Way. He's just trying to describe how one guy happens to do it.

If you would like to write a Workbench article, or if you are a manufacturer and would like your products featured in Workbench, please view the FAQ.

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Heroscape: Road to the Forgotten Forest

It's a terrain expansion for Heroscape, but will non-Heroscape gamers be attracted by the trees?

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Dancing with Greenstuff

Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian demonstrates how anyone can get in on sculpting for fun...

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Galloping Jack Reports from CanCon

Mal Wright Fezian journeys to and from the Australian national convention - and tells us what he thinks of panicking tank hordes and flat terrain!

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642,014 hits since 19 Mar 2000
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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From Fish Tank to Tabletop

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian receives a gift from his wife… [19 Sep 2019]


Dervel Fezian returns from Mexico with a new vision for making palm trees from scratch. [26 Jun 2012]
Don't let the horses daunt you! [12 May 2010]
wodger Fezian begins his series on how to paint a 15mm DBA army well, in a reasonable time frame. [30 Mar 2009]
It's back to pirates for Adam8472 Fezian! [28 Nov 2007]
alizardincrimson2 Fezian sails to the Skeleton Seas, and finds inspiration as she goes. [31 Oct 2007]
Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian is a big fan of the Age of Sail, and these ships really speak to him - he loves transitional eras, and the Anglo-Dutch Wars was one of those. [20 Aug 2007]
Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian proves himself a fan of splintered oars, crashing beakheads, and drummers yelling "come'mon, you scurves! The Captain wants to go water skiing, so pull harder!" [6 Aug 2007]
Adam loves Scorched Brown... [29 Jan 2007]
fieldarchy Fezian of Meg's Miniatures paints three pirates from Bronze Age Miniatures. [19 Dec 2006]
What to do with time on your hands waiting for the convention to start? Alamo36t builds terrain... [11 Aug 2003]
Another easy project - a bridge from Tactical Conflict Systems. [9 Mar 2000]