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Little Yellow Clamps

Little Yellow Clamps (8)
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Suggested Retail Price
$9.85 USD

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10 September 2010page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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I'm always in the market for clamps to hold things together while being glued, so when I saw these on the Micro-Mark website, I couldn't resist.

Clamps on sprue

These three-inch-long Little Yellow Clamps are molded styrene and come on a sprue. You pull them off individually, then interlock their jaws to make a functioning clamp.

Clamp holding sword

The good news is that these clamps use gentle pressure, so are suitable when you don't want to bend your materials or leave dent marks.

The jaws are rounded (I would have preferred flat jaws), and the molding seam runs through the middle of the jaws (making them uneven unless you file them down).