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"Napoleon - Life of an Emperor" Topic

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Tango0111 May 2024 5:10 p.m. PST

"From childhood dreams of joining the British Royal Navy to a dotage spent riding on a seesaw to improve his health, the true story of Napoleon Bonaparte is every bit as bizarre and fascinating as it is controversial. Napoleon rose up out of the chaos and horror of the French Revolution to offer a shattered nation dreams of future glory, honour and a place once more at the forefront of Europe. After he seized power through a mixture of propaganda and rigged elections, Napoleon's armies waged a seemingly never-ending war throughout Europe, from Portugal to Imperial Russia. Many hundreds of thousands died in battle, or of disease and starvation. France itself would lose 50,000 soldiers on average during every year under Napoleon's control. Napoléon claimed to be furthering the libertarian values of the Revolution to free the continent, but then he had himself crowned Emperor, began moves to reinstate a hereditary monarchy and had slavery reintroduced throughout the French Empire. Profusely illustrated, this new biography by bestselling author Mike Lepine offers a fresh and unforgettable portrait of a true military legend"


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