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"Vallejo colours for Germans in Greatcoats???" Topic

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Dan in Vermont22 Apr 2024 5:05 p.m. PST

Hi all, have a batch of 1944-1945 German infantry in greatcoats to paint.

Any recommendations for Vallejo (non-airbrush) colors (Name and Number) for
-the greatcoat
-the helmet
-the trousers
-the boots


jgawne23 Apr 2024 9:43 a.m. PST

Since no one answered, I'll try to help. boots are going to be black. By 44 colors in Grman uniforms were getting less uniform as they used more and more recycled wool in the mix. So you have some good variation on the gray to field gray to greenish spectrum. I use just the standard field gray for the helmet, as that is the color of the FG paint they would use. And then for wool I mix in a little bit of white to tone it down.

pmwalt23 Apr 2024 11:27 a.m. PST

For the greatcoat I'd use German Field Gray (830). Helmet you could use German Gray (895) or Field Gray (830). Lots of helmets could have been camo cloth or painted (German Camo Beige 821, Reflective Green 890, and German Camo Med Brown 826). German Late war boots (low tops) likely brown (use 826) and gaiters and web pouches, etc could be Green Gray (886). Trousers Field Gray (& variant shades) 830

Dagwood23 Apr 2024 2:57 p.m. PST

"Since no one answered…"

But it's only two days since the identical question was asked by the same poster and answered. Or is this a new TMP bug ?

Martin Rapier24 Apr 2024 1:02 a.m. PST

Yes, it seems to be a duplicate. I find the VJ Field Grey far too dark (it is a good match for full size uniforms though!), so it usually gets lightened a bit. In my experience greatcoats tend to be a bit lighter than the uniform jackets, no idea why, made in different factories?

Boots were generally brownish, but sometimes troops blacked them. If you put enough dubbin on they go very dark.

Anklets are often greenish, but can be anything from tan to light grey.

Trousers are whatever shade of field grey you fancy. In theory the same colour as the jackets, in practice by 44, anything from brown to green via grey, depending what batches of dyes the factories had in stock.

My 44 Infantry look like bunch of ragamuffin in various shades of green, grey and brown toned grey.

Helmets, any colour you like by 44. In theory RAL6006, in practice, grey, green, smeared in mud or whatever.

Dan in Vermont24 Apr 2024 7:27 a.m. PST

hi all, thanks and sorry for the duplicate posting. I should have cross-posted from the 15mm and 20mm pages to this Painting Guides from the start.

Great input and information. I think the take home message is the greatcoat and trousers can be any variation on field grey, especially for 1944 ( I am mostly looking to game February 1944 Anzio and December 1944 Ardennes). Thanks all!!

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