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"Sword / Flame Colonial Butiwanto AAR and a question" Topic

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PzGeneral21 Apr 2024 5:48 p.m. PST

The never ending search for the perfect set of rules continues. This time Kevin, Mike and I tried out The Sword and the Flame. The rules have been around for some 40+ odd years, but this was our first real outing with them. Below is a link to my report and more pictures.



We do have a question about firing. If a unit declares a charge it stops 1" short of it's target. Can the target of the charge still be shot at by other units in the Fire Phase? Below is a picture of the question. My Cavalry unit charged Kevin's Native unit, stopping an inch away. Can my formed Infantry unit still shoot at the Native unit?




Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP21 Apr 2024 6:47 p.m. PST

Great game.

RE cavalry charge, when a cavalry charge fails they are not placed one inch away. They just move back to their starting position. In any event, the infantry or any other unit may fire on their turn.

PzGeneral21 Apr 2024 7:01 p.m. PST

The Cavalry charge didn't fail. In this case they moved to one inch of their target to wait for the Charge resolution.
The question is does that prohibit their target from being shot at during the Fire phase?

bobspruster21 Apr 2024 7:41 p.m. PST

See the last page in your rulebook (before the back cover), item number eight. The charger and the charged are considered closing into combat and considered Class I mass targets subject to being shot by their own people!
Looks like you guys had a fun game with some nice looking figs! Hope the TSATF works out for you.

PzGeneral22 Apr 2024 4:02 a.m. PST

Thank you Bobspruster,
I found that passage in my rules.
Thanks for the help,


Frederick Supporting Member of TMP22 Apr 2024 12:31 p.m. PST

Agree with the above – we just had a TSATF game set in Warlord China with Chinese govt, Warlords, Mongol raiders, assorted local militia and some Royal Marines from the British Consultate – good fun had by all

Legionarius23 Apr 2024 5:51 a.m. PST

When a set of rules works well for its purpose, it deserves to live forever. Long live TSATF!

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