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"Texas Valour & Fortitude Game Night" Topic

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20 Apr 2024 3:25 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Texas Valour & Fortitide Game Night" to "Texas Valour & Fortitude Game Night"

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torokchar Supporting Member of TMP20 Apr 2024 1:30 p.m. PST

We had another Friday night game of Valour and Fortitude 15mm Napoleonics at Dragon's Lair Medical Center. This nights game featured a German Civil War as the Prussians fought the Wuttenbergers and Saxons. Two Prussian forces of 250 points each against a 250 point Saxon and 250 point Wurttenberg force.





As this was our 5th game we continued to playtest and learn, both forces advanced towards the center with the Saxons on the left and the Wurttenberg on the right. Opposing sides met in the middle for some bloody fighting. Artillery pounding away at the advancing infantry and cavalry. The Saxons led the charge as the wurttenberg failed to activate for one turn.






The clash in the center lasted a couple of turns but resulted in one Wurttenberg brigade suffering heavily, the Prussian cavalry in the center being pushed back by the Saxon light cavalry brigade, and the Saxons on the left being repulsed by a newly painted and fielded Prussian brigade.






Both sides shook hands and decided each was the victor of the game – another battle planned in two weeks time. If you would like to try out this game feel free to join us.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2024 11:47 a.m. PST

It looks like some vintage figures still giving good service.

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