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"Old Skool gaming - going to redouble the effort...." Topic

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FlyXwire16 Apr 2024 8:39 a.m. PST

Gents (and any gamer gals too),

Whatever that title means to you, here's what I'm going to do about it –

1) I'm going to focus on doing as many multiplayer-enabled scenarios as possible in my future (if a game can't accommodate at least four players, I'm wasting all my preparation effort on something less).

2) Unit-based gaming – figs will operate in established units (no rogue-operators here), this also allows for a tie-in to thinking about how units use tactics.

3) Tie-in to #2, make it real (at least based on something that's existed before, or in the present), whether that means "historical" to someone or not, I will be using references to base presentations on.

4) It's my thing – but visuals are important, that goes back to #1 (if it's worth doing, do it with some fidelity – it's like honey).

5) No points building, no pre-made encounter formats – do the research (that might be that "historical" thing again), but that's where the real math comes from.

6) Economy of effort – if the game is worth organizing, it ought to be something that can double for a convention presentation too (develop a portfolio you're proud to share again).

Would there be more suggestions, well sure, and maybe telling others you've got some plans for keeping the old skool open is one of them!

7) Don't feel you can't reject the latest bright, shiny object either – which are often marketed to get those bright, shiny objects out of your pocket. That's a large part of what redoubling effort is all about, use those best, learned practices…'s old skool for a reason.

pzivh43 Supporting Member of TMP16 Apr 2024 9:00 a.m. PST


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP16 Apr 2024 9:41 a.m. PST

Regarding #6, the rules you use "with the guys" may not be suitable for a convention game. Rule choice is much more important with a convention game.

Also, some battles worth gaming are not suitable for convention games, but that does not mean that they are not worth gaming with your friends. Example, a scenario that requires one or more of the players to be the reinforcement commander who shows up at some unknown point in the future. No one want to sign up for that at a con, but you will do it while hanging out and BSing with friends while they move their troops around.

FlyXwire16 Apr 2024 10:33 a.m. PST

PZIVH43 – got a local honorary membership certificate for you. ;)

79THPA, those are good points, and sounds like you have acquired those best learned practices of successful presentation(s) – membership nailed. :)

cavcrazy16 Apr 2024 11:40 a.m. PST

Gotta use glossy figures.
If you can, use "Old School" manufacturers like Hinchliffe and Connoisseur, maybe S range Napoleonics by Minifigs…all shiny

FlyXwire16 Apr 2024 2:25 p.m. PST

CC, I can't do glossy now, as they're pretty much all dusty instead. :)))

My favs were the few Hinchliffe figs I could get back then (twas 50 years ago – even rebased the Hinchliffe's recently), those sculpts – the artillerist here – almost all looked like Clint Eastwood.

Instead, we had to settle mostly for Minifigs, because they were available out here on the colonial frontier.

cavcrazy16 Apr 2024 5:40 p.m. PST

@ FlyXwire, Email me at I have some old Hinchliffe AWI looking for a new home…I may even have some Minifigs that I can give you for your project.

FlyXwire17 Apr 2024 4:36 a.m. PST

CAVCRAZY, thanks for this offer, but I don't play with the old 25s here anymore (did follow these up years later with some slick Polly Oliver 15s below, and now have 28mm AWI also).

This is very generous CC, and hopefully someone else might want those legacy 25s – especially the elegant *Hinchliffes*!!!

Wildman22 Apr 2024 7:02 a.m. PST

I think I have those artillerists. I also have Minifigs
Am Rev I bought at the armoury building at Widner College.
It was the first wargames convention I ever attended. They
were among the first wargaming figures I ever bought.

Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2024 3:54 p.m. PST

FlyXwire +1

(Glossy figures? Never!)

FlyXwire26 Apr 2024 3:46 a.m. PST

I'm hoping we'll put the gloss on 'em, by the how & why the games we play.

Thanks Wildman, and appreciate the "+" Old Contemptible.

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